Success Stories

Mr.John Bright

Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Kobe, Japan

John sharing his incredible achievements and SSJLTC'S Guidance 


NGK Spark Plug,Nagokya,Japan

Sharing his experience about his journey with SSJLTC 

Ms. GowriPriya

ABP Master's student at Shizuoka University, Japan

Gowri is pursuing her Masters in Engineering specializing in Image Processing with 100% scholarship at Shizuoka University. She shares her experience. 

Mr. Venkatesh

Fastem Engineering, 

Matsuyama, Japan

A heart touching speech in Tamil about his Journey and development through SSJLTC.

Following are some of our achievements:

1. As on July 2020,  80 Engineers have got job offers from Japan. 42 of them are working in Japan& 38 more are scheduled to join in the coming months.

2. With the help of our Japanese Language Training, more than 50 Engineering students have got placed in Japanese &Indian MNC companies and working in various locations in India

3. It is worth mentioning that SSJLTC has placed our students in JR EAST, Toyota Boshoku, Toyota Body, Vehicle Design R&D Honda Motor Corp, Kawasaki Heavy Industries Kobe, NGK Spark plug, AXA Japan, YKK Corp, NIFCO, Novars etc

4. As on July 2020, we have trained more than 1000 students in Japanese Language (School students, Engineeringstudents, working professionals etc.) As on date, we have nearly 600 students attending classes for various levels - N5 to N3 in Karur, Pollachi& Coimbatore. We are also conducting Online classes over Skype/Zoom for working professionals in Chennai, Bangalore & Pune

5. At the moment a group of 40 young & energetic Engineering Graduates are undergoing Japanese Language training (10 N2, 10 N3 Level &18 N4 Level, 2 N5 Level) from Mechanical, Electrical & Computer Science departments.

7. One of our students from our first N5 batch, scored 161/180 which was the 3rd highest mark among the 900 students in South India who appeared for the Dec 2016 JLPT exam. Also, our student scored 141/180 in the JLPT N3 Exam in Jul 2018 with60/60 in the Listening section. One of our student has scored 171/180 in the JLPT N5 exam in Jul 2019.

8. 5 of our students have got admission into the Master's Program in  Shizuoka University ABP Program and 1 school student has joined Tokyo University.

9. We also have a good setup for Technical training to develop the skillsrequired to get a job in Japan.

10.One of our student was shortlisted to perform in "Nodojiman - the World" a Japanese Singing Competition telecasted by Japan's National & most popular TV - NHK in Sep 2018. Participants from all over the world from US, UK, Australia, Brazil, Argentina, Russia etc. apply for this program and the selection criteria is very stringent.